3 Ways to Tell if it’s Time to Raise Your Prices

Jan 12, 2022

When I first started out in branding design, I worked way differently than I do now.

I designed multiple (and I mean multiple) concepts for my clients, I gave them just one logo and I charged pennies for my work. Then I started providing a little bit more for my branding clients, and continually added value to get to where I am today when I design a full branding package for those that I work with.

With each value upgrade, my prices went up as well. To be candid, I started designing logos for around $300 to $500 and providing quite a bit of pieces. After talking to some graphic design friends who also worked on branding projects, they convinced me to raise my prices because it was undervaluing the work of all graphic designers. At that point, it clicked and I knew I had to gain the courage to raise my fees.

Since then, I have consistently raised my prices while maintaining a steady flow of clients.

Here are three ways to tell if it’s time to raise your rates in the creative service industry.

1. You’re consistently booking clients months in advance.

If you’re booking inquiries for 2-3 months in advance consistently and getting great reviews and referrals, it’s time to raise your rates! When I was growing rapidly, I raised my rates about every 4 to 6 months to get me to where I’m at today. Supply and demand, right? If your work is in demand, you book lots of clients. You only have some much time in a day/week/year, so consider raising your rates after every _____ clients or months.

Another reason this is a good idea – with every client, you get better. Your process gets smoother and you gain more experience. Raise your rates to reflect that.

2. You are booking every inquiry that comes in.

If you send your prices to a potential client and more times than not, they book you (espeically immediately), then it’s time to raise your prices. Clearly, people value the work you do, probably more than you do at this point. Getting a string of yeses feels really good, but consider raising your rates to a price point that feels a little more out of your comfort zone.

Fair warning though – the higher your prices, the more clients expect you to absolutely deliver. Make sure what you put into the project matches your price point!

I’ve also found that the clients who are willing to pay a higher price point are much easier to work with and much more trusting of you and your process. I don’t know what it is, but it’s refreshing and so rewarding to work with these clients. They make you want to keep going.

3. The value you give to your client has increased.

If the scope of what you are giving your client has changed or increased, make sure you raise your prices to reflect that. If you were just providing a main logo for your first package but you’ve found yourself designing alternative logos and fun marks for clients now as well, make sure your prices reflect that!

Each additional piece you give to your clients takes your time, your overhead and your expertise. You deserve to get paid for those things!

My Pricing Increase Process

As a rule of thumb, when I raise my prices, it’s generally by about $250 each time. And while not everyone freely shares what they charge for the branding packages, I’ll go ahead and share mine here.

In the summer of 2019, I was charging around $500 for a logo. Since then I have narrowed in my process, become way more organized and have majorly increased what I give each client. Since 2019, I’ve been booked 2-4 months in advance with 2-3 branding clients each month (aside from a month off here or there where I took a break or took medical leave). Because of this consistent demand and my growth as a designer, my current rate is now at $2500 for a full branding package.

I know designers who charge way less and designers who think that’s nothing. But for the niche I work with – creative women who are looking to step into branding that feels like them and the message they want to put out there – that price feels right for right now. That’s not saying I won’t decide to raise the price later this year, but for now it works for me and my clients who really value what I’m going to provide them.

If you’re not there yet, then you have something to look forward to! Start small like I did, stepping out of your comfort zone just a touch each time you raise your prices. Soon you’ll be doing more of the work you love, for the money you deserve and raising the amount of money you make each year!

I want to know – have you raised your prices? What inspires you to raise yours when you do? Share in the comments!



  1. Amie Wassell says:

    Hi! Thank you for sharing!
    It’s so hard to navigate when starting out.
    How would you say your deliverables as well as processes have changed? From on boarding to revision.

    • Mariah Danielsen says:

      Oooh, good question! I have definitely increased the value I provide the clients – really from start to finish. From the entire process I go through to what I actually deliver them, I’m always updating and adding!

you said:

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