Recent Work // Brincks Design

Nov 16, 2021

Bringing some more recent work to you today, and this time it’s for Jill at Brincks Design Co. JIll designs gorgeous homes and decided to give her side hobby a fresh look last year.

Before we dove into branding design, we worked out her Why Statement. I loved hearing the story of Jill’s life and how she got started in business, then coming up with her why statement to use as the basis for her brand. When you know the inner workings of someone’s life, their branding can become an extension of that.

Jill had an existing logo and an idea for a monochromatic, simple design, so I started with a mood board to help visualize the scope of the branding project.

I kept the design clean with a blueprint type feel to it and gave her two options to use as the main logo – one with a monogram and one with a modernized icon of a house that she had in her original logo.

I had some fun with the additional logos and marks, sticking with the crisp and clean design but introduced a script font to accent the other two.

I love creating a pattern to go with the branding suite that contains different marks or secondary logos, so it was no different for this project. This could be used on the back of a business card, in presentations or further down the road for client gift tissue paper or more.

I can’t wait to see where Jill takes her talent and how she builds up her small town and shares her gift with homeowners all around the country.



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